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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga – Pidato adalah kegiatan atau tindakan berbicara didepan umum untuk menyatakan pendapat atau memberikan gambaran tentang sesuatu hal. Pidato yang baik dapat memberikan kesan positif bagi orang yang mendengarnya, maka dalam berpidato dibutuhkan kepandaian dalam menyusun kata-kata dan isi supaya dapat diterima dengan baik oleh para pendengar. Namun bila kita diharuskan menyampaikan pidato berbahasa inggris tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah, itu sebabnya kami menyediakan contoh teks atau naskah pidato berbahasa inggris untuk Anda yang membutuhkannya.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga dan Artinya

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga – Berikut kami menghadirkan contoh pidato bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan keluarga. Pidato bahasa Inggris ini adalah Pidato bahasa Inggris yang dibawakan oleh Yuka Murakami pada acara Sendai Ikuei Gakuen speech contest yang diadakan tanggal 21 Oktober 2012. Yuka Murakami berhasil menjadi juara kedua dalam kontes pidato bahasa Inggris tersebut. Ok, langsung saja kita simak pidatonya:

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga

My Second Family

“Hi! My name is Yuka Murakami. Nice to meet you!”

This is what I said when I,met my second family. Many people in the world don’t even have one whole family because of diseases or war. But, I’m lucky. I have two families. I have my real family here in Japan, but I also have an American family. How did I get the American Family? I went with sixteen students from my hometown, Naraha-machi, to our sister city, Euclid Ohio! And so each student stayed with a host family.

There are six people in my American family: a very large man Dad, a warm hearted woman Mom, a beautiful girl Katie, a funny girl Jessie, a tall and dear girl Mandy and a lovely boy Timmy. They were very kind to my partner Yu and me. Yu and I had a lot of happy times and now we have many memories of them. My best memory is the “Music Party” on the second night. The original idea came during dinner when we talked about what instruments we can play. Yu plays the French horn, I play the clarinet and we both play the piano and sing. So when we told this to them, they said, ” We have a piano and drums at my house! Please play for us!” We like playing the piano and singing, so of course we said okay. Yu and I were in the chorus club at school, so we sang “Haru Ni” and “Gloria” together. They were very glad. When Shad finished, they said, “Thank you very much! You are my amazing daughters!” I was delighted to hear that.

The final night we had a beach party. It is also one of my favorite memories. Everyone bonded by playing games like volleyball and keep-away. But, it was a more wonderful time for me than others, because I met some special people! They were Ms Tara,s sister, lather and mother! Ms. Tara was my English teacher and now my best friend, and meeting her family had been my wish before. So I had my wish granted! It was a rainy night, but I’ll never forget it!

Parting is always sad, and so was this time. The final day, we had the “Sayonara Party” to thank the people in Euclid. We Japanese students planned this party. In the party we danced Kasa-odori, and Bon-odori from Naraha, and I gave a speech. In my speech I told the host families, “Thank you everybody for everything! ” But t,he party became sad. We had to part with our host families and people in Euclid.

“You can stay here…no… You have to stay here forever!” My second family sometimes said. I replied, “Yes, of course! I’ll stay here forever!” But at last, I couldn’t say that, I had to leave Euclid. We cried so much. I held them again and again, and I said good-bye to them.

My American family taught me a lot of things about English, family, and American culture. We talked a lot,but( my English was not enough. They talked with gestures so I could understand This helped me to make up my mind to be a translator in the future. I want to communicate through English with people in many countries/ and learn a lot of things from them. I also want to help people understand each other better/because I know how important it is to communicate clearly.


My Lovely Family

For me, family is something that is very precious because nothing can replace the role of the family in this world. That’s a place where I could find a peaceful and everlasting affection. I really love my family. My family consists of four people they are my father, mother and sister. Although we are just a small family, our affection to each other is very large. I’m very proud of them. And now I’ll tell you about my family.

My father is a disciplined person. He always teaches me and my sister not to waste our time.

My father is so different with other disciplined person. Even though he is so discipline, he remains friendly and understands our needs. My father is a lawyer who is quite famous for its decisiveness. He always decides a case fairly and impartially person or group. My father is almost always busy with his work but he never forgets his family. He always invites us to go to vacation every weekend. He thinks our happiness is his happiness too.

My mom is just a housewife. Actually he used to be a teacher. However, my father asked her to stop and focus on taking care of the family. She is a woman who is very patient and diligent in taking care of the family. She always does her task with full of love. I think my mother is also the best chef. She always cooks delicious food for us. However, sometimes she is very fussy but I realizes that it was all for our own good.

My sister named Putri. She is a sister who is very spoiled. Sometimes she is annoying and often makes me angry. Even though, I am very fond of her. She is still Study at Senior High School grade 3rd. She has a dream to become a lawyer like my father. My father is very happy to know my sister’s dream. He always supports my sister to make it comes true.

That’s my little family. A family which I love the most, we always support and love each other. I wish we could stay together in joy and sorrow.


Orang tua adalah orang berjasa bagi kita semua. Ibu yang melahirkan kita, Bapak yang senantiasa membimbing dan mendidik kita. Mereka selalu menyayangi kita sebagai anaknya. Nah, bila kamu ditunjuk untuk pidato di sekolah tentang orang tua, ini adalah tempat yang tepat. Berikut transkrip pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia tentang orang tua. Pidato berikut dapat digunakan untuk acara di sekolah SD, SMP atau SMA.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen and also my dear friends. Thank you for the time and opportunity that have been given to me this morning to talk about a very important topic. First of all I would like to give thanks to God Almighty for the grace of grace given to us all so that we can be here together in the good health.

Dear friends, who are the most important people in your life? Who are the people that you love the most in this world? To me, those people are my parents. I am so grateful to be born into my family, to have my dad and mom who love me. I do not know how much their effort to my life. We as a human child in this world should have parents. No human being is born without a parent. Our mother put her life to death for delivering us. Our father participated in helping our mother. Our parents have taken risks for all their children to live well. In this short time, allow me to convey the importance of devotion to both parents.

As a child, maybe we often feel annoyed with our parents. Maybe we think that our parents do not understand what we want. We often argue with our parents. Perhaps our parents also punish us. But we need to know that there is no parents in this world who want their children to have a hard life. Our parents will definitely do the best for their children. Starting from waking us up to school, preparing breakfast and lunch for us, driving us to school, picking us up at school, reminding us of schoolwork, to driving us to lesson courses. All of that is done by our parents because they want the best for us.

Is there anyone of you guys ever punished by parents? I think almost every child ever felt it. Maybe our attitude is too naughty or we do not want to work on our homework. But it’s all for the sake of our future. Our parents try hard to earn the money so we can go to school properly. School fees are not cheap, not to mention the extra cost of the course. So for all of us, we should not be lazy to study. Our parents have try hard to give us good things, so that our lives can be better. Respect them even if sometimes you get annoyed. Maybe our parents are too protective, but it’s all because they love us.

Sometimes, try to say I love you to your parents. Or maybe you can give a small handmade gift. Maybe it could be a poem or a greeting card. At the time of your father and mother’s birthday, give a congratulation, or maybe give a gift as well. Gifts are not necessarily expensive, say thanks to parents is also a gift. Make our parents proud, study well, help them, achieve something in study, or simply obey the parent’s orders. We only have one father and one mother, therefore, love them. Respect both our parents. Do not disappoint them all.
This is the end of my speech today. I hope we all can make our parents proud. Finally I apologize if there is any mistakes. Thank you for your attention.

Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Selamat pagi bapak ibu dan juga teman-teman yang saya cintai. Terima kasih atas waktu dan kesempatan yang telah diberikan kepada saya pada pagi hari ini untuk berbicara tentang topik yang sangat penting. Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat karunia yang diberikan kepada kita semua sehingga kita dapat kembali berkumpul bersama dalam keadaan sehat.

Teman-teman sekalian, siapakah sosok yang paling penting dalam hidup kalian? Siapakah sosok yang paling teman-teman cintai di dunia ini? Bagi saya, sosok itu adalah orang tua saya. Saya sangat bersyukur bisa dilahirkan di keluarga saya, memiliki ayah dan ibu yang sayang dengan saya. Mereka telah berjasadi dalam hidup saya. Kita sebagai anak manusia di dunia ini pastinya memiliki orang tua. Tidak ada seorang pun manusia yang terlahir tanpa adanya orang tua. Ibu kita hampir memberikan nyawanya demi melahirkan kita. Ayah kita ikut serta membantu ibu kita. Orang tua kita telah bersusah payah untuk memperjuangkan agar semua anaknya bisa hidup dengan baik. Pada waktu yang singkat ini, izinkanlah saya untuk menyampaikan betapa sangat pentingnya berbakti kepada kedua orang tua.

Sebagai anak, mungkin kita sering kali merasa kesal kepada orang tua kita. Mungkin kita berpikir bahwa orang tua kita tidak mengerti apa yang kita inginkan. Seringkali kita sering beradu mulut dengan orang tua kita. Mungkin seringkali orang tua kita juga menghukum kita. Namun perlu kita ketahui bahwa tidak ada orang tua yang ingin anaknya hidup susah. Orang tua pasti akan mengusahakan yang terbaik untuk anak-anaknya. Mulai dari membangunkan kita untuk sekolah, menyiapkan sarapan dan bekal untuk kita, mengantarkan kita ke sekolah, menjemput kita di sekolah, mengingatkan kita akan tugas sekolah, sampai mengantar kita ke kursus pelajaran. Semua itu dilakukan oleh orang tua kita karena mereka menginginkan yang terbaik untuk kita.

Apakah ada salah satu dari kalian yang pernah dihukum oleh orang tua? Saya rasa hampir semua anak pernah merasakannya. Mungkin sikap kita terlalu nakal atau kita tidak mau mengerjakan pr. Tapi itu semua demi masa depan kita. Orang tua kita mencari uang dengan susah payah agar kita bisa bersekolah dengan layak. Biaya sekolah bukan lah biaya yang murah, belum lagi biaya kursus. Jadi buat kita semua, kita tidak boleh malas belajar. Orang tua kita sudah dengan susah payah memberikan hal yang baik kepada kita, agar kelak hidup kita bisa lebih baik. Hormatilah mereka walaupun terkadang teman-teman merasa jengkel. Mungkin orang tua teman-teman ada yang terlalu protektif, namun itu semua karena mereka sangat sayang kepada teman-teman.

Cobalah sekali-sekali teman-teman mengucapkan kata sayang kepada orang tua kalian. Atau mungkin kalian bisa memberikan kado kecil bikinan teman-teman sendiri. Mungkin bisa berupa puisi ataupun kartu ucapan. Pada waktu ulang tahun ayah dan ibu, berikanlah ucapan selamat, atau mungkin beri juga kado. Kado tidak mesti mahal, ucapan sayang dan terima kasih kepada orang tua juga merupakan sebuah kado. Buatlah orang tua kita bangga, bisa dengan rajin belajar, rajin membantu orang tua, berprestasi, ataupun dengan sekedar mematuhi perintah orang tua. Kita hanya memiliki 1 orang ayah dan ibu, oleh karena itu, kasihilah mereka. Hormati kedua orang tua kita. Jangan sampai kita mengecewakan mereka semua.

Sekian pidato dari saya hari ini, saya harap kita semua dapat membanggakan orang tua kita. Akhir kata saya minta maaf jika ada kesalahan. Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.


Family Socialization: Bridge to Achieve rich, famous and influential Youngster

I believe everyone here is familiar with Siwon, Yesung and Donghai who are coming from Korean Super Band SUJU. Even I believe everyone here is really familiar with Justine Bibber, A Canadian who has poisoned Indonesia youngsters with his single Baby. But, I do believe that everyone here does not how could they become rich, famous and influential?

Talking about family, we talk about on how two extraordinary people become the most influential figure to fulfill this living. Firstly, a figure of mother who sacrifices herself for the sake of our happiness, how she doesn’t only grow us but also give life for us and how she doesn’t only protect us but also guide us. Secondly is figure of a father. Who doesn’t only being a leader but also being a producer of our family story, being motivator from every inferiority and being a banker who is always ready to support our financial problem. Therefore, no wonder if Princess Diana said that family is the most important thing in the world.

If we define the nature of family, we believe there are many definitions of it since people have their own definitions. But, according to Janine Cullota from Maryland University, basically family is small member of society which as significant role to grow smart children mentally and physically. It also has responsibility to teach the children with norms, morals and beliefs. So at the end, their children will not only being respected but also trusted by society because they have excellent value for nation. However, not to mention there are some matters occur in society now. A family that should be the best place to share neglect their children.

Let’s see some cases happen in society today. A figure of mother and father that should guide the children with full of affection to learn how to socialize to others are busy with their business. They work from morning until evening and rarely to give affection. Yes, we think working is something, but affection is everything. As the result, it is not only hundred but also thousand of our friends have gone too far from the ethic. They become drugs user, do free sex even commit abortion. We believe as children we never expect a set of jewelry, a diamond, a big house even a luxurious car, but an affection.

We believe as the best solution in order to get affection is by socialization. Because it consists of two points there:
1. Socialization means control
By having socialization parents will be able to control what their children did outside and evaluate their development. With full of joys and compassion, parents also can give affection.

2. Socialization means trust
Trust and being trusted is extremely important in a family, because it is as basic value to believe all family members. We think by socialization the sense of trust will occur.

Now, let’s see that actually socialization is important. According to research of National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHHP) of US, children who receive more affection will grow better. The research proved that 90 from 100 children who get more socialization get better future. See also what happen to Justine Bibber. Because of better socialization, he won five 2012 Teen Choice Awards, has sold more than 15 million albums, and has more than 28.5 million Twitter followers. Therefore, no wonder if he becomes rich, famous and influential Youngster now. As conclusion, socialization is extremely important. So, let’s commit socialization at home as bridge to Achieve rich, famous and influential Youngster.


Teks Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Devotion to Parents

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
All the praise be to Allah the Lord of the universe. Blessing and peace may everlastingly be upon a prophet with no prophet after him, Prophet Muhammad Saw, and upon all of his families and companions.
Everyone has parents. There is no single person who was born into the world without parents. We all realize that our parents are always covered with sweats, day and night to work hard physically and mentally with everything on their power to strive for their children so that they could live like other children do. Therefore, on this time, allow me to convey about how important to devote to our parents.

Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris dan ArtinyaTo all the priding companions and audience,
Allah the Wise had compulsorily obliged every child to devote to his/her parents. Even the order to do good deeds to parents in Al Quran came along with the order to acknowledge Allah’s oneness just like was decreed on Al Quran, “And your Lord has commanded you not to worship anyone other than Allah and treat the parents with benevolence. If either or both of them attain to old age in your presence, then do not say even ‘Ugh!’ to them nor reproach them. And always speak to both of them submissively, observing polite manners.” (Al Isra: 23), “And always lower your arms of submissiveness and humility out of soft-heartedness for both of them and keep supplicating (Allah): ‘O my Lord, have mercy on both of them as they brought me up in (my) childhood (with mercy and clemency)” (Al Isra: 24).

To all the dearest companions and audience,
And it also had been stated in Al Quran about the superiority in devotion to parents. And Allah Ta’ala said:
“And worship Allah and do not set up any partners with Him. And treat the parents with moral excellence….” (An Nisa: 36). In this verse, the order to devote to parents came along with the most prominent deed, namely acknowledging the oneness of Allah, then it shows that this deed is the most prominent deed on the eyes of Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla. The greatness of parents’ dignity is seen by the view of Syariat (Islamic law). The Prophet considered the devotion to parents as the most important thing over Jihad fisabilillah (engage in struggle to defend the religion of Allah for His cause).

Ibnu Mas’ud said: “I asked the Prophet (PBUH) ‘Which deed is loved most by Allah?” He replied, ‘To offer prayers at their early (very first) stated times.’, I asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” The Prophet (PBUH) said, “To be good and dutiful to one’s parents,” I asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” The Prophet (PBUH) said, To participate in Jihad for Allah’s Cause.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5970).
The hadith shows the greatness in devoting to parents; it even prevails over Jihad fi sabilillah while Jihad actually has a great superiority as well.

To the ennobled companions and audience,
Make your parents cry counts as one of insubordinate deeds. Their tears mean their heart is broken by the deeds of their children. Ibnu ‘Umar emphasized: “Tears of parents is a great insubordination.” (Shahih Al Bukhari, Adabul Mufrod page 31. See the tree of S Al Ahaadits Ash Shohihah by Al Imam Al Albani, 2.898)
And Allah emphasizes in Surah Al Isra that word “ugh” or “Ah” to parents is forbidden, especially those which are more than that. In the verse is also explained to have good deeds to parents.

Now we all have known what the importance and superiority of devoting to parents. Therefore, let’s immediately say your apology to our both parents, because the pleasure of Allah depends on the pleasure of both parents.
That’s all I can say. I say my deep apology for all my words.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Terjemahan pidato dalam bahasa indonesia:

Berbakti Kepada Orang Tua
Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

Segala puji bagi Allah yang menguasai seluruh alam. Rahmat dan salam semoga tetap dilimpahkan kepada seorang Nabi yang tidak akan ada Nabi sesudahnya, Nabi Muhammad Saw. , kepada keluarga dan sahabatnya seluruhnya.

Setiap manusia sudah pasti memiliki orang tua. Tidak satupun manusia yang lahir tanpa orang tua. Kita pun menyadari bahwa orang tua berkuah keringat, siang dan malam banting tulang, memeras pikiran, sekuat tenaga memperjuangkan agar anaknya bisa hidup seperti layaknya anak-anak yang lain. Karena itu saat ini ijinkan saya untuk menyampaikan betapa penting berbakti kepada orang tua.

Rekan-rekan dan para hadirin yang saya banggakan.

Allah yang Maha Bijaksana telah mewajibkan setiap anak untuk berbakti kepada orang tuanya. Bahkan perintah untuk berbuat baik kepada orang tua dalam Al Qur’an digandengkan dengan perintah untuk bertauhid sebagaimana firman-Nya, “Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik pada ibu bapakmu dengan sebaik- baiknya. Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya perkataan ‘ah’ dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia. Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kesayangan dan ucapkanlah: ‘Wahai Tuhanku, kasihilah mereka keduanya, sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidik aku waktu kecil.’” (Al Isro’: 23)

Rekan-rekan dan para hadirin yang saya cintai.

Dan juga telah disebutkan dalam Al Quran tentang keutamaan berbakti pada orang tua. Dan Allah Ta’ala berfirman:

“Sembahlah Allah dan janganlah kamu mempersekutukan-Nya dengan sesuatupun. Dan berbuat baiklah kepada dua orang ibu-bapak.” (An Nisa: 36). Di dalam ayat ini perintah berbakti kepada dua orang tua disandingkan dengan amal yang paling utama yaitu tauhid, maka ini menunjukkan bahwa amal ini pun
sangat utama di sisi Alloh ‘Azza wa Jalla. Begitu besarnya martabat mereka dipandang dari kacamata syari’at. Nabi mengutamakan bakti mereka atas jihad fi sabilillah, Ibnu Mas’ud berkata: “Aku pernah bertanya kepada Rosululloh,
‘Amalan apakah yang paling dicintai Alloh?’ Beliau menjawab, ‘mendirikan sholat pada waktunya,’ Aku bertanya kembali, ‘Kemudian apa?’ Jawab Beliau, ‘berbakti kepada orang tua,’ lanjut Beliau. Aku bertanya lagi, ‘Kemudian?’ Beliau menjawab, ‘Jihad di jalan Alloh.’” (HR. Al Bukhori no. 5970). Demikian agungnya kedudukan berbakti pada orang tua, bahkan di atas jihad fi sabililllah, padahal jihad memiliki keutamaan yang sangat besar pula.

Rekan-rekan dan para hadirin yang saya mulyakan.

Membuat menangis orang tua juga terhitung sebagai perbuatan durhaka, tangisan mereka berarti terkoyaknya hati, oleh polah tingkah sang anak. Ibnu ‘Umar menegaskan: “Tangisan kedua orang tua termasuk kedurhakaan yang besar.” (HR. Bukhari, Adabul Mufrod hlm 31. Lihat Silsilah Al Ahaadits Ash Shohihah karya Al Imam Al Albani, 2.898)

Allah pun menegaskan dalam surat Al Isro’ bahwa perkataan “uh” atau “ah” terhadap orang tua saja dilarang apalagi yang lebih dari itu. Dalam ayat itu pula dijelaskan perintah untuk berbuat baik pada orang tua.

Sekarang kita ketahui bersama apa arti penting dan keutamaan berbakti pada orang tua. Maka dari itu bersegeralah kita meminta maaf pada kedua orang tua kita, karna ridho Alloh tergantung pada ridho kedua orangtua.

Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Mohon maaf jika ada perkataan yang tidak berkenan.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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