Perbedaan Will Dan Be Going To Dan contohnya

Perbedaan dan Contoh Penggunaan ‘Will’ dan ‘Going To’ Untuk menyatakan suatu kalimat tentang kegiatan atau kejadian yang akan datang (future tense) kita dapat menggunakan “will” atau “be going to”. Secara sederhana keduanya diartikan sebagai “Akan”. Keduanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keputusan atau rencana di masa yang akan datang, membuat suatu perkiraan atau prediksi. Akan tetapi,… Lanjutkan membaca Perbedaan Will Dan Be Going To Dan contohnya

Soal SBMPTN tentang Gerund dan Infinitive Lengkap

 Soal SBMPTN tentang Gerund dan Infinitive It was difficult for the university students ……… themselves to their new environment. A. Being adapted B. They adapt C. To adapt D. Adapted E. Adapt In the last time few years many people have taken up …….. as regular sport. A. To be cycling D. Cycling B. They… Lanjutkan membaca Soal SBMPTN tentang Gerund dan Infinitive Lengkap

Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN English Tentang Modals Lengkap

Soal SBMPTN English tentang Modals X : “Does Dewa know that Mika had an accident yesterday?” Y : “I don’t think so. We ____ as soon as we knew it.” A. Should have told him B. May have told him C. Had to tell him D. Must have told him E. Had better tell him… Lanjutkan membaca Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN English Tentang Modals Lengkap

Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Tentang Noun Clause Lengkap

Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Tentang Noun Clause X : “What is the most worrying effect of the economic crisis?” Y : “_____ children are deprived of nutritious food necessary for their physical and intellectual development.” A. That B. Why C. What D. Which E. When X : “Have you seen Pak Bardo about our proposal?” Y… Lanjutkan membaca Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Tentang Noun Clause Lengkap

Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Adjective Clause Lengkap

Soal SBMPTN Adjective Clause Participants of the state university entrance test ……… are high school graduates from Java are competing for a limited number of seats. A. Which most of them B. A greater number C. Most of whom D. A lot of them E. The majority X : “Look, isn’t that our friend Taylor?”… Lanjutkan membaca Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Adjective Clause Lengkap

Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Adverb Clause Lengkap

Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Adverb Clause Lengkap She could not finish her study in four years ………. she would have been entitled to a scholarship for further study. A. Nevertheless B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. However E. Consequently X : “Did he say anything to the police?” Y : “Well, ………. he admitted breaking into the… Lanjutkan membaca Kumpulan Soal SBMPTN Adverb Clause Lengkap